We offer financial help to young people looking for jobs in the book trade

How we can help

As a charity we offer financial help to people (particularly those under the age of 30) looking for jobs in the book trade, including help with interview costs, to help support paid internships and work experience and for other opportunities for development.


For those looking for work in the book trade we can help with interview costs including:

  • travel

  • subsistence

  • rent

  • clothing

training & study

We can also offer support for those undertaking relevant training and post-graduate courses as well as other opportunities for professional development.


For paid internships in the booktrade of not longer than 6 months we can help with costs including:

  • travel

  • subsistence

  • rent

  • general living costs

The employer will be expected to be paying at least the minimum wage.

Unpaid placements will also be considered where they adhere to government guidelines on pay (ie for work shadowing or mandatory internships as part of a training course)


We offer subsidised accommodation at our housing project in Whetstone, N20 to those in their first or second job or  undertaking long internships.
The flats are all currently occupied. For more information visit our housing page.
Find out more about our housing

Am I eligible?

If you are actively looking to start a career in the book trade and are in need of financial support to achieve that then the answer is yes. We base the support we offer on financial need and so we do ask for copies of bank statements to prove you are in need of support.

We prioritise those at the beginning of their careers but will consider applications from anyone. 

Our housing is only for those earning less than £25,000 a year and in their first or second job or undertaking an internship.

Please look at our FAQS for more details.

Our Sponsor

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Apply for support

If you have any questions or would like to apply for support please email or contact us via this form.
To apply for housing please use the form on our housing page.
If your query is urgent please call 01923 263128

Who we are

The Book Trade Charity (BTBS) was founded in 1837 to help those in need within the book trade. 180 years later we are still helping those in need both through our Grants and Housing.

Our primary work is to offer support to people who have worked in the Book Trade for over 12 months with grants for retraining, living with a disability, medical need and many other needs which those who have worked in the industry might find themselves facing because of redundancy, sickness or other life events.

More recently we have launched this scheme offering Book Trade Entry Support to give grants and funding to people looking to enter the book trade and those in the early stages of their careers.

For more information on the charity and what we do, watch our video below or visit www.booktradecharity.org

Information for publishers & book trade companies

We want as many publishers and other book trade companies as possible to promote the support we offer new entrants when advertising entry level jobs and internships. Whilst we are doing everything we can to promote our support there is no better way of doing so than directly to people looking at entry level job ads. We’re asking all publishers and book trade companies to carry the following wording on their entry level job ads:

The Book Trade Charity offers financial support to people looking to enter the book trade but who may struggle to afford the costs of attending interviews and undertaking internships. For more information visit booktradeentrysupport.org

If you would like to discuss any other aspect of the charity’s work, how you can work more closely with us or to make a donation to support our work please contact